Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Blessings

So I'm learning how to create this whole page and decided it's about time I posted something on it! I figured what better news to start with then our Christmas Blessings. Mark is going to be baptizing and confirming Ayden this Sunday after church, the following weekend Mark is set to go be endowded and then the week of Christmas sometime we will be sealed as a faimly in the Denver temple. The kids are doing wonderful, Annette and I got the icky stomach bug that was going around which was no fun but everyone is healthy now. Our newest little boy is still scheduled to be here around January 16th, one of these days we'll decided on a name, hopefully before he is born. Mark liked the name Angus, but due to my objections has since given it up. Now he likes Malcolm and I like the name Andrew so who knows.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness the name Angus isn't on the table anymore! :) ... We are so excited for you guys!! Those are some of the best blessings to get! I can't wait! Hopefully Chloe doesn't arrive at an inconvenient time for me to come to all those things!
